Hello Fashionistas!
I’m so happy you’re here. I mean, really happy.
This is the first entry of the MMW Style Studio website blog and it's been a long time coming.
To explain a little about us, we are the Me & My Wife Style Studio, now known as the MMW Style Studio. Your source for all things; clothing, jewelry, & accessories fly!
We, my husband and I, founded the business together in 2010, and the name came about one day while my husband and his Aunt, Bronte, were brainstorming business names.
The M&MW “Wife” is a trendy fashionista, who dresses like a celebrity. She stays on the best dressed list and is at the tip of everyone’s tongue for her fashion choices.
There are three “wives” who are MMW Style Studio personified! These three ladies are; Brooklyn, Nia, and Kai. I won’t tell you exactly who they are today. But let’s see if her style gives her away.
You want to be fly, and all the styles in the store leave a lot to be desired. You want to be fly, but everyone has the same outfit from the mall. You want to be fly, but don’t know where to go. You want to be fly?
Shop at the MMW Style Studio!